President - Ernestina Cordova
Vice-President - David Maes
Secretary - Judy Weinrobe
Treasurer - Ron Stoner
Member-at-Large - Donovan Lierance

Board Member - Trinidad Arguello
Board Member - John Ublelaker
Board Member - Charles Neely
Board Member - Linda Hattendorf

Membership - Donovan Lieurance
Publication/Website - Dave Cordova
Programs - Trinnie Arguello & John Ublelaker

Folklore/Local History - Trinidad Arguello
Archives & Library - Virginia Dodier & Paul Figueroa
Hospitality - Carmen Lieurance
Special Events - David Maes & Charles Neely
Grants - Linda Hattendorf


First Saturday of the month (unless interrupted by a holiday) at 2:00 p.m.
in the Kit Carson Electric Boardroom - 118 Cruz Alta Road in Taos, NM.

The TCHS was recently honored in Santa Fe when the Board and Book Committee members traveled to Santa Fe and received a proclaimation from the State at the Roundhouse on Enchantment Day, January 22, 2014.

Pictured (left to right): State Representative Bobby Gonzales, Taos County Commissioner Gabriel Romero, unknown, TCHS Board President Ernestina Cordova, TCHS Secretary Judy Weinrobe, Programs Chairman Paul Figueroa, unknown, Membership Chairman Sandi Welter and Ex-officio Bob Romero.

The Taos County Historical Society was formed in 1960 for the purpose of "preserving the history of the Taos area." This part of New Mexico has a fascinating history, full of people, events, stories and places. If you are interested, we invite your participation in our field trips or lecture programs, by subscribing to our publication, "Ayer Y Hoy en Taos," or by lending your support by becoming a member.

The Society encourages and supports historic preservation. Through special gifts and our modest dues, a fund has been built up for use in assisting worthy preservation projects.

A periodic newsletter keeps our members informed on upcoming activities. Monthly lecture programs and exploratory field trips are open to the public and help to bring historic events, local folklore and interesting sites to life. At a luncheon each May the Society honors people who have contributed significantly to the preservation of Taos area history. Other activities include recording oral histories, maintaining archival materials and participating in community events.

Our History Room, located upstairs in the Old Taos County Courthouse on the north side of the Plaza is open by appointment to visitors seeking information about Taos history. Here we keep the records of the Society, as well as a valuable collection of audio and video tapes. The Society hopes to build a collection of books, documents and photos that will become a local source of historical information.

As a benefit of membership, we look forward to receiving the Society's yearly publication "Ayer Y Hoy en TAOS " or "Yesterday and Today in Taos" County and Northern New Mexico, which presents scholarly articles, historical photos, interesting narratives and book reviews.

Email us

Phone: (575) 770-0681

PO Box 2447 • Taos, NM 87571